MIS Group Donate to National Trust
This year MIS rewarded staff by giving them the option to donate to charity this Christmas.
Over the past year it’s become clear just how much we all need fresh air, open space, and beauty.
The MIS Group donated an amazing £1375 to the National Trust this Christmas, which is equivalent to planting 275 tree saplings.
This contributes to supporting the charities aim of planting and establishing 20 million trees by 2030 in the fight against climate change.
Taking Small Steps to A More Sustainable World
At MIS, we are proud that our employees support local events for good causes.
Recently we were delighted to discover that Sharon Tatton, Implementation Manager at MIS Active Management Systems, has been reducing her use of plastic and planting trees daily via the TreeApp.
There is no single easy solution to climate change but planting millions of trees is a key part of it.
Sharon said: “When the material human world stopped in 2020 due to the pandemic, Mother Nature not only continued with her duties but also flourished throughout this time. The garden and access to so many beautiful local outside spaces remained the constant in my life throughout lockdown and really helped with my mental health. Now the world is gradually getting back up and running so if there’s one item I can give back, it’s to continue with repaying Mother Nature for looking after myself and my family.
Planting trees, recycling and changing our use of plastic to more sustainable products is just a small step in the right direction for one household, imagine if we all took that small step? What a difference we could make to the world that looked after us when we needed it the most.”
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