Reval service enables any housing provider in the UK or Ireland to revalue residential properties using various valuation techniques to provide market value, NPV and insurable value.
Incline-IT is an IT services company that deliver IT solutions built around you. Passionate about customer service, your outcomes are our main priority.
More than just a supplier, we are a trusted partner, designing and delivering the best and most relevant IT support services, tailored to your specific requirements and challenges.
Partner with Incline-IT and we will take you on the journey from legacy technologies and architecture into the cutting edge of infrastructure and network capabilities.
We have been supporting the MIS Group customers for 30 years with managed IT. We work with the public sector, Housing Associations and Emergency Systems as part of the MIS Group.
With a focus on high skilled resources and the use of innovative technologies to deliver automation in IT services, we get it right first time.
Our innovative approach utilises and integrates the best of breed SaaS solutions from our solutions partners.
Our goal is to ensure our partner innovations are available almost immediately for our customers without complicated and costly upgrades. This keeps our customers at the leading edge, allowing both Incline-IT and our customers to reduce technical debt and provide true flexibility.
We explicitly avoid low-cost solutions that create a vendor lock in via professional services so that we can provide IT solutions which ensure customers WANT to stay with us, rather than creating solutions that create a lock in.
Our reputation is a top priority and as such we will ensure we do the right thing, not just what is in your contract.
This approach maintains long-term relationships for the MIS Group, and many of our customers have been with us for 20+ years.
Our approach has never been to chase profits at the expense of our customer, and it never will be.
Our aim is to be the trusted advisor and partner for our customers."
Most managed IT service providers will focus on service level agreements and reports but will not provide customers with means to determine if the SLA reports are accurate. Reports are created each month which meet SLAs regardless of the service provided.
Cloud provides a unique opportunity for small organisations to create truly innovative services. This cannot be achieved by locking customers into traditional infrastructure-based contracts.
Our approach will give you access to the same tooling we use to manage the service, ensuring the spirit of partnership goes beyond words in a contract and provides true visibility of services, instead of a black box.
Reval service enables any housing provider in the UK or Ireland to revalue residential properties using various valuation techniques to provide market value, NPV and insurable value.
Documagix, our Cloud First, SharePoint Online based EDRM, designed for Housing. Designed to simplify and accelerate digital transformations, with automated metadata population and more features coming soon.
Housing Plus Group and Incline-IT worked in partnership to merge 3 landlords into a Single contact centre for Homes Plus.
This service was designed, deployed, tested, and live in 2 months with sentiment analysis and automated transcripts. This service will be greatly enhanced in 2022. Click here to see the full case study.
As part of our dedication to secure services, Incline-IT achieved ISO27001:2013 accreditation for managed IT services.
ActiveH had been provided as a hosted solution since 2019. ActiveH as a Service introduced a cloud-based approach, with SAML2 SSO and access via a browser with no VPNs.
This approach led to faster implementations, enhanced stability, and improved application management and updates.
The customer knowledge base was launched to provide access to training materials, detailed documents, and video files.
The Incline-IT Service Desk was launched for Incline-IT and MIS Active Management Systems customers, providing a central point of contact and the starting point to modernising services for MIS.
Incline-IT and Housing Plus Group migrated servers from on premise to AWS.
Desktops were moved from Citrix to AWS workspaces, providing a more stable, secure, and scalable platform. Click here for more information.
Incline-IT achieved AWS Select Partner Status
As part of our holistic approach, the first go live for Housing Plus Group was a cloud-based SD-WAN. This began with 10 locations and will grow to 70 sites by Q1 2022.
Including sales offices, schemes, main sites and critical care sites.
Our first partnership with Housing Plus Group began with the aim to digitally transform their company into a cloud-based organisation.
Incline-IT was established as part of the MIS Group to focus on IT services.
Get in touch if you’d like to find out more about how we can help you, or if you have an idea for a project and would like to discuss it.
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